PoSAT Consortium
PoSAT-1 was built by the
PoSAT Consortium
(1992-1995), a Consortium of
Portuguese companies and Universities
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial
- Consortium Leader
Institut of Information Technologies - Aerospace Laboratory
Empresa Fabril de Máquinas Eléctricas, SA
(Eng. Renato Morgado, EFACEC, Apartado 18, 4466 S. Mamede de Infesta Codex, Portugal, Tel. 351-2-951.20.15, Fax. 351-2-951.89.40).
(Eng. Orlando Martins, MARCONI, Av. Álvaro Pais, 2, 1699 Lisboa, Portugal, Tel. 351-1-720.70.00, Fax. 351-1-720.72.80).
Oficinas Gerais de Material Aeronaútico SA
(Cor. Santos Coelho, OGMA, 2685 Sacavém, Tel. 351-1-958.10.00, Fax. 351-1-958.04.01).
(Eng. Matos Correia, Alcatel Portugal, S. Gabriel, 2750 Cascais, Tel. 351-1-484.50.22, Fax. 351-1-486.62.94).
Instituto Superior Técnico
(Prof. Alves Moreira, IST, R. Alves Redol, Lisboa, Tel. 351-1-841.70.00, Fax. 351-1-849.92.42).
UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior
(Prof. Ivan Camelier, UBI, R. Marquês d'Ávila e Bolama, 6200 Covilhã, Portugal, Tel. 351-75-31.42.07, Fax. 351-75-26.198).
Centro de Desenvolvimento e Inovação Tecnológicos
(Ana Cristina Ricardo, Cedintec, R. S. Domingos à Lapa 117-2º Drt, 1200 Lisboa, Portugal, Tel. 351-1-395.53.02, Fax. 351-1-396.12.03).
The cost of PoSAT-1 was about 6 million US dollars, and was supported by:
- PEDIP - Programa Específico de Desenvolvimento da Indústria Portuguesa (70%)
- PoSAT Consortium members (30%)
PoSAT-1 is a member of the UoSAT family of satellites from the
University of Surrey (UoS /
). It was built by a Portuguese team of engineers and scientists, working under supervision of the UoS, within a transfer of technology programme between the UoS and the
PoSAT Consortium.
PoSAT-1 exploitation: the SAT Consortium
MARCONI, INETI, EFACEC and OGMA are collaborating within the
SAT Consortium to envisage and implement applications of PoSAT-1. MARCONI is the Consortium leader.
The SAT Consortium members are willing to consider suggestions for new applications of PoSAT-1.
Other collaborating institutions
The following institutions cooperate with INETI in the exploitation of PoSAT-1:
- FATRÓNICA: industrial manufacturer of PoSAT-1 terminals for store&forward communications.
(Eng. Víctor Silvestre, FATRÓNICA, TAGUS Park, Edifício Tecnologia I, nº 18, 2780 Oeiras, Portugal, Tel. 351-1-421.31.41 , Fax. 351-1-421.47.47).
- EDISOFT: analysis and development of applications and communication protocols.
(Eng. Rodrigues de Sousa, , EDISOFT, Rua C, Ed. 125-1º Drt, Aeroporto, 1700 Lisboa, Portugal, Tel. 351-1-847.43.27, Fax. 351-1-80.98.09).
- Universidade do Porto: GPS data analysis, autonomous satelllite navigation.
(Profª Isabel Osório , Faculdade de Ciências, Observatório do Monte da Virgem, 4430 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, Tel. 351-2-782.04.04, Fax. 351-2-782.72.53).
- Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica:
attitude control strategies and algorithms.
(Prof. Pedro Lima , IST / Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, Torre Norte, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal, Tel. 351-1-841.82.74, Fax. 351-1-841.82.91).